пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.

Quick Weight Loss Diets - Facts and Fallacies

Quick weight loss diets have been around forever, and seem ever-popular, but do they really work? Many of the quick "fad" diets can help for temporary weight loss, but usually it comes back eventually. It is normal for dieters to look for the Holy Grail of diets, one that can have you lose weight fast, then keep it off.

Fad or Binge diets will always be with us, and for a few reasons one may be able to rationalize their use, for any of a number of reasons: Temporary weight loss to "get in to that dress or Tux for the one event" like a wedding or reunion, then it is OK to go back to looking normal. One of the problems of these quick loss and fad diets is many of them are plain unhealthy, and can put you at greater health risk than being overweight.

There are no miracles when it comes to weight loss, but you can take positive steps to losing weight that will help speed things along without resorting to one of these fad diets or just starving yourself. Here are some ways you can move forward and lose weight;

Eat The Right Foods To Speed Up Your Metabolism

If you've been off-and-on dieting over the years, your metabolism may be as much as 30% slower than normal. To get back to normal, you need to eat enough calories to meet your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). You can search for BMR Calculator online and get the numbers you need. Everyone is different. You'll need to enter your height, weight, age and sex to get a number. For example, a 60 year old male at 200 lbs. that is 5' 7" tall has a BMR of about 1750 calories, while a 20 year male the same size has a BMR over 2000.

The BMR is the number of calories you need to get though the day, given "normal" activities. If you have a physically demanding job or big exercise routine, you will need more, and if you sit at a desk all day, you will need less. When trying to get to your BMR, it's best to stick to the healthier foods like lean protein, whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables.

You'll probably have an initial weight gain, but don't let that scare you off. First you need to get your body back to normal operating levels and repair itself. After you've been at your BMR for a couple of weeks to a month or so of eating the appropriate level of calories, your metabolism will speed up and the pounds will begin to fall away.

Once you've got your metabolism back up to speed, you can easily lose a pound a week with a balanced diet, or two pounds a week if you add an exercise program. This is safely sustainable and you won't be starving yourself any more.

Exercise to increase your weight loss.

You will rarely find exercise mentioned with quick weight loss and fad diet, primarily because exercise is work and they are trying to push your "easy" button. Most quick weight loss and fad diets dramatically reduce your caloric intake, which can lead to a quick initial weight loss, but it jacks your metabolism around and the weight will come back as soon as you eat normally again. Plus, most quick weight loss diets don't provide the same health benefits as a balanced diet and exercise.

With all of the various exercise routines out there, at least experts agree on one thing: The best exercise routines include a balance of cardio and strength training. Cardio helps exercise and strengthen the heart and circulatory system, while the strength training tends to build lean muscle mass. Everyone agrees that lean muscle mass is heavier than fat, so a physically fit person will look slim and trim compared to a fattie of the same weight and height. Regular exercise will also help you feel better, leading to a lot of other positive benefits. If you have a lot of stress in your life, you should also consider yoga for stretching and relaxation.

Once you are up to speed, if you get three to five hours a week of cardio exercise, and one or two hours a week of strength training, you will see significant changes in your body shape and fitness level.

The health benefits of exercise are well known, and include improved mood and better sleep, not to mention stronger, leaner body. Exercise also protects your heart and wards off metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes. Quick weight loss diets can't touch any of these benefits.

Exercise doesn't need to be the kind of "dreary work out at the gym" program that many people tend to use. It can be found nearly everywhere. Gardening or home improvement projects, playing with the kids at the park, swimming, dancing, or participating in community sports are all ways of getting appropriate exercise without spending all of your time in the gym. I'm sure you can think of many others that not only provide good exercise, but are fun too!

Avoid Starvation Diets

The news and pulp magazines are full of reports of celebrities who drank nothing but [fill in your favorite fad food of the week here] to quickly slim down for a role. What we don't hear about is the aftermath: The rebound weight gain as soon as they ended their diet, and the increase in difficulty losing weight later due to messing up their metabolism.

Watch out for any quick weight loss plan that talks about "retaining water" as if it is a bad thing. Your body NEEDS water, and the sad fact is that most Americans are close to dehydration anyway due to imbalanced diets and other excesses. Most of us are so close that even as few as a couple of days without normal water intake can put us in the hospital. (I know this from personal experience, having collapsed from dehydration because my throat hurt so bad I avoided normal drinking and eating minimally for only a couple of days. That's one hospital stay I really won't be repeating.) Most of these fad and quick weight loss diets are extremely stressful to your body. They just aren't worth the health risk. At best, you'll end up tired, hungry, grouchy, dehydrated, and heavier than before. At worst, you could seriously damage your metabolism, making it impossible to lose weight later, even when you eat very few calories.

Set Reasonable Expectations

Don't set yourself up for failure. Choose a reasonable weight target for your body type and height. Trying to get your weight down to that of an anorexic looking boy-girl model just isn't reasonable unless you've got twigs for bones and don't mind a short, miserable life from all of the damage done to your body by the quick loss diets and their related issues.

In summary, the Fact is that Quick Loss Diets can work, but they are only temporary and many are plain dangerous to your continued well being. The Fallacy is that they can give you what you want, beyond a very brief instant while you are on their miserable routine.

Only a reasonable plan that includes maintaining a healthy weight by keeping your body healthy will get you where you should be. Feed your body a well balanced diet, move it often, stay hydrated and it will perform at its peak for you, for a long time to come.


четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.

Tired of Dieting - But You Still Want to Lose Weight?

There are vitamins, supplements, and over the counter drugs which claim to decrease your appetite, increase your metabolism, or block fat consumption. But what if you're through with dieting and exercising: Are there other alternatives to lose weight?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure which sculpts problem fatty areas like love handles, saddle bags, and protruding tummies. General anesthesia used to be required. After the patient is sedated, a long tube is inserted through incisions made in the problem area. The tube is attached to a vacuum pump. The doctor rapidly suctions the fat out of the area. More than one incision may be required.

Tumescent liposuction doesn't require general anesthesia and blood loss is minimal. A large quantity of diluted local anesthesia, lidocaine and epinephrine is injected into the problem area. The area becomes swollen and firm, hence the name tumescent. The lidocaine effectively numbs the area so no general anesthesia is required. The epinephrine constricts the blood vessels so bleeding is minimal.

Tumescent liposuction requires more time than traditional liposuction because it takes longer for the local anesthesia to be administered and take effect. Smaller tubing is used to suction out the fat which takes more time than general anesthesia liposuction. The smaller tubing has a side benefit in that the skin is less prone to rippling. The time also varies depending on how much fat is being extracted and from what areas. A typical tumescent lipsosuction procedure takes from 3 to 7 hours.

An elastic compression garment is required to be worn from 3 to 6 days after the procedure. The large amounts of diluted local anesthesia need to drain from the incisions made for the tubing. The compression garment assists in this drainage.

The pain involved with tumescent liposuction is mildly uncomfortable, rather than painful, because the local anesthesia remains in the body, numbing pain for 12 to 24 hours after the procedure. After that the pain is comparable to the muscle soreness one experiences the day after a heavy work out.

No more than 6 to 8 pounds of fat should be removed during any one procedure. If more than that is required, then more than one procedure should be scheduled at least one month apart. Liposuction is a body sculpting method rather than an overall weight reduction method.

Costs vary dependent on the geographic area, amount of fat to be removed and the body areas that need treatment. The fees range from $2000 to $7000 if only one area is treated (both outer thighs are considered one area) and the procedure takes place in one day. The cost can increase to $20,000 or more if significant body sculpting is required.

Tumescent liposuction can help you lose that stubborn last bit of fat but the cost can be high in money, time, pain and complications.

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среда, 20 марта 2013 г.

Diets and Weight Loss Products

Many of us around the world are facing problems on weights. Most are suffering from excessive weight gain and obesity. Many try to lose weight but struggle to find an effective weight loss method. Unluckily, there is no easy way. One way to lose weight and keep it off is by making permanent lifestyle changes.

Nowadays, about 100 million people or more go on diet every year. But sadly, only 10 to15 percent tend to maintain the weight loss method. We can not deny the fact that many of us have some misunderstandings on what method of diet is healthy and what is not. As the rate of obesity has increased, so has the market for weight-loss products. Let us say, you choose to use an over-the-counter weight loss product or participate in a weight loss program, the bottom line is that you still must eat fewer calories than you burn to lose weight.

When selecting a weight loss product or program, gather as much information as possible. Just one thing, beware of high costs, pressure to buy special foods or pills, and fraudulent claims. There are a lot of risks on that. Some examples of ineffective or useless diet products include: diet patches, magnet diet pills, certain bulk fillers, electrical muscle stimulators, appetite suppressing eyeglasses and magic weight loss earrings.

How do we say that they are ineffective? Diet patches have been removed from the market by the FDA because they were ineffective as diet aid. Magnet diet pills on the other hand allegedly flush fat out of the body which is unhealthy. While certain bulk fillers may cause internal obstruction. Electrical muscle stimulators may remove by the FDA from the market if promoted for weight loss. Appetite suppressing eyeglasses and magic weight loss earrings are said to claim colored lenses project image on retina and decrease appetite and control hunger by stimulating acupuncture points respectively.

There are actually a lot of different kinds of weight loss products that are on sale. They are sold over the counter in various retail outlets such as pharmacies, health food stores, grocery stores and are also available online. Under the right circumstances, some of these may be safe and effective when used as part of a weight management program that promotes a reduced intake of dietary calories and an increase in physical activity. But if you are considering the use of weight loss products, you should be aware of potential risks so you can make informed choices.

Above all these, the best weight loss products come in one: natural diet. It is as simple as eat healthier, watch portion sizes, be responsible and be active.

For reference Windsor and Eton

Квартиры в Киеве: актуальные данные риелторов

Средняя стоимость жилых квартир в Киеве повысилась на $8.11/кв.м/ (0.41%). В течение всего сентября средняя стоимость квартир колебалась около $2000/кв.м (см. Таблицу 1.).

Об этом ЛІГАБізнесІнформ сообщили в аналитическом отделе Союза специалистов по недвижимости Украины (ССНУ).

По данным киевских риелторов, центр и серединные массивы столицы демонстрируют рост, в то время как приближенные к центру районы и периферия показывают снижение (см. Таблицу 2.).

Мы наблюдаем увеличение волатильности индекса – за последний месяц индекс сменил направление два раза, что говорит о сильном сопротивлении продавцов на пути дальнейшего снижения цен.

По результатам месяца наблюдается отрицательный индекс ценового ожидания, но его значение практически равно нулю (-0.3% в месяц).

Таблица 1. Индексы цен по типам квартир и домов*

Группа индекса

Средняя стоимость ($/кв.м)

Изменение стоимости




За неделю

За месяц

Весь Киев












1 ком. квартиры






2 ком. квартиры






3 ком. квартиры






















































Таблица 2. Индексы цен по территориальным зонам*

Территориальная зона

Средняя стоимость ($/кв.м)

Изменение стоимости




За неделю

За месяц

Весь Киев












Приближенная к центру


















* По данным ССНУ

Напомним, что по данным аналитического центра АН "Park Lane", в сентябре текущего года, по сравнению с августом, количество сделок купли-продажи объектов на вторичном рынке недвижимости Киева увеличилось на 15,5%. При этом уровень капитализации рынка в сентябре, по сравнению с предыдущим месяцем, увеличился на 48,2%.

Reference to the source reference den учреждения рамн эрозивный бульбит izhevsk net окулист офтальмолог гаевский роддом 17 работа сиделки в москве аптеки доктор столетов ринопластика осложнения

воскресенье, 17 марта 2013 г.

Fastest Way To Burn Belly Fat

If you have belly fat, then you want to get rid of it fast, right? Well the good news here is that you can burn your fat extremely quickly if you know how - and if you're able to work with your body... not against it. Most people trip themselves up when it comes to burning fat, as they get confused about all the conflicting information out there. The bottom line is that in the fat loss game, knowledge is power - and using the knowledge you have will directly determine how much fat you can burn.

What Ways Can you Burn Belly Fat?

There are a number of ways to get rid of belly fat from your body, including:

  • Exercises

  • Diets

  • Diet Pills

  • Surgery

  • Using Proven Methods Invented By Real-World People

Most people will tell you that to lose weight, you have to "eat less and exercise more". This is a common suggestion, but one which is actually not very informative - as if you somehow manage to bring yourself to do some exercise, what are you meant to do and for how long? We've found the best way to go about losing weight in the fastest time is to use the proven methods that have been invented by real-world people.

The Fastest Way To Burn Fat

The fastest way to burn fat is to use the successful steps that other people have already discovered. Most people even think about this, but if you're able to eat similar meals & do similar exercises to what someone who's become slim did, then you too will achieve the same results. This means that if you want to burn fat fast, you have to be able to use an already proven method, of which there are a few available online.

We've found the fastest way to burn fat fast is to use a program called Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle by a body-builder called Tom Venuto. This guy has been in competitions such as Mr Olympia, etc and is one of the most toned men you'll ever see. The reason for his successful body sculpting is all down to an effective technique he managed to develop several years again. This technique / method has now been put into his Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle book - and is widely regarded as one of the most effective ways to burn fat from your stomach quickly.

Useful information Better Than Any Weight Loss Drugs
Get a Hot Body For the Summer
Want to Lose Weight Effectively and Fast - Crazy Tips to Make You Lose Those Fats
Using Self-Love to Lose Weight
Healthy Weight Loss - A Slimmer, Happier, Healthier You!

понедельник, 4 марта 2013 г.

Промсвязьбанк — разновидности займов

Промсвязьбанк — это один из крупнейших российских банков, который входит в десятку ведущих банковских учреждений РФ. На банковском рынке банк предлагает такие типы кредитов:

Потребительский заем — ссужаемый кредитным учреждением физическим и юридическим лицам в целях покупки предметов личного пользования с отсрочкой выплаты за приобретенные товары и услуги, с последующим покрытием одолженных денежных средств и процентной ставки по кредиту.

Кредитные карты — более совершенная форма наличного кредита, позволяющие получать разные услуги и товары без дополнительного визита в банк с расходным лимитом с будущим возвращением одолженных сумм кредитной организации.

Главными задачами кредиток являются получение наличных в банкоматах или офисах кредитной организации, а также отзывы о банках в отделениях банков партнеров. Также кредитки дают возможность делать безнальные отправки денежных средств, а также оплачивать оплаты предметов потребления и различных услуг. ПромСвязьБанк Заявка на кредит.

В Промсвязьбанке широко представлено программы по ипотеке. Программа ипотеки позволяет получить жилье без вложения личных денежных средств, за счет денег кредитной организации, с последующим возвращением полученных денег под низкую ставку. В качестве залога предоставляется приобретаемый объект. В тоже время, объект залога страхуется от разрушения, помимо этого застраховывается жизнь и здоровье берущего кредит.